Who are we?
This website has been put together by Barod CIC, PinkGold Ltd, Carmarthenshire People First and Dragon Technology Wales.
Barod CIC is a cooperative founded by people with and without learning disabilities. Barod CIC includes a research team, Barod Research, who are currently involved in developing their own academic research projects as well as contributing to other projects. Barod Research were the first contributors to the British Journal for Learning Disabilities' In Response feature.
PinkGold Ltd was founded by Dr Anne Collis in 2022, with the aim of making the academic and business worlds more accessible to wider audiences.
Carmarthenshire People First is part of the international People First movement. Alan was a key leader, member and friend.
Dragon Technology Wales was founded by Richard Manning in 2018. Richard provides IT support and advice to a number of clients, including Barod CIC, PinkGold Ltd and Carmarthenshire People First. Richard designed this site.