I live in Cardiff. I am chairperson of Cardiff People First, my local self-advocacy organisation. I am currently vice-chair of All Wales People First National Council, and their rep for Cardiff
I enjoy walking, karaoke, and taking photos of squirrels and buses!!
I work at Barod as part of their Research team
My research interests are Public Transport, social activities and health.
Currently I am involved in the Humanising Healthcare project. This ESRC funded project is run by Dan Goodley from Sheffield University. It is about putting people and their views and feelings at the centre of their healthcare.
My past research work has included
Barod was invited by the editor of the British Journal of Learning Disabilities to do the first 'In Response' where we looked at an academic paper and wrote what we thought about it.
Beth Lewis, Simon Richards, Simon Rice, Anne Collis (2020) A response to Bates, C et al (2020) “Always trying to walk a bit of a tightrope”: The role of social care staff in supporting adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities to develop and maintain loving relationships. British Journal of Learning Disabilities 48(4): 269-271.