I am interested in research about people with learning disabilities and/or autism and frienships.
Currently I am involved in the Humanising Healthcare project. This ESRC funded project is run by Dan Goodley from Sheffield University. It is about putting people and their views and feelings at the centre of their healthcare.
In the past I have worked on different projects:
- I was a coresearcher with Jan Walmsley on an evaluation of All Wales People First's project ‘Hear Me, Include Me, Respect Me’.
- I was a peer researcher in a project called ‘Young people and friendships’. This was led by Carp Collaborations and was funded by the Community Fund.
- I was a researcher with Carp Collaborations for a report on transitions into adulthood for people with learning disabilities by the Children's Commissioner for Wales.
- I was a researcher and did telephone calls to people who were lonely and isolated for the Thrive project in Monmouthshire.
I helped to lead a workshop on Looking at transitions differently at the Learning Disability Wales Annual Conference in 2018